Friday, December 24, 2010

Don't read this if you don't want to hear about my VAGINA, lol

Preface: I recently had an IUD (also: IUC) inserted. For me this was a very painful and excruciating experience. It happened about 2 weeks ago, but I've started to have a little pain again over the last day or 2.

What follows is a pretty awesome chat convo:

K: So is your new birthcontrol still bothering you?

Me: I'm not sure if it's that or not. :/:/
I thought I might be starting my period b/c I'm having sporadic, sudden cramps and some spotting, but.... it's way too soon for my period again.
I think my body might just be adjusting to not having all the BC hormones and it's confused.
K: Oh I see...could you just be progo? Haha

Me: No. Bad answer. lol

K: Hahaha that woukd suck..
Me: Also, they tested me before putting my new thing in
After work, when I was complaining to Roger about it, I actually said that they "installed" it in me.

K: Like its a new program they just put in you... Hahaha
Youre updated now! You got the lastest software yay!

Me: Hahaha, yeah.... I was obviously at work too long.
Software, for your Gine.

K: Well I guess in this case its hardware...

Me: Ah, true. Upgrade my built-in anti-virus protection.

K: hahahahahahaha

Me:  damn hackers, always trying to spam my uterus
K: Sav wants to know if its upnp?
Me: what?
I'm slow!
And I guess it is.... but, it's on a private network.

K: oh thats good, you dont want that available a public network

Me: Yeah, no way. It's definitely encrypted.
K: Ok wow! We are EXTREMELY nerdy!

Me: Yes.... I realize this. rofl.

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