Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yuffie Cloak

I have wanted for a very long time now to make a version of this cloak:

Though I would like the hat hat be a hood.

Still..... I can't decide on materials and I fear that, even if I did, I am not skilled enough to pull it off.
I would have liked to make it from scrap leather. However, that seemed more practical in PA..... I don't know how often I'd be able to wear leather in San Diego without cooking myself alive. I will have to explore my options. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sam Harris' lecture at TED

I have never heard of Sam Harris before, but I'm interested in his work now; based solely off of this brief bio:
"Adored by secularists, feared by the pious, Sam Harris' best-selling books argue that religion is ruinous and, worse, stupid -- and that questioning religious faith might just save civilization."

This is extremely thought-provoking. The concept is a very interesting exploration....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Video Time

This is quite good. I'm a bit peeved that embedding is disabled.

The "ear scene" from Reservoir Dogs. Along with "Stuck in the Middle With You." A fantastic song that cannot be heard without bringing Res Dogs to mind.

Also, a new St. Patty's day piece from College Humor that I found quite amusing:

(the embed works, but it's supposed to be wide screen. If you'd like to view it without cutting off the right edge of the video go here:

Evil Facebooking

I haven't been blogging. I've been lazy. Well... moreso I've been facebooking. It's evil, you see. Anytime there is something I would normally blog about I just bitch about it briefly on facebook instead.

So, in an attempt to remedy this I'm going to go back through my facebook and post some of the more deserving bits here; where they belong. There may be a bit of rehashing and the events may not be 100% up to date, but I'm only going back through my last month's activity, so it's not going to be too irrelevant. We'll see.

I'm hoping to then get in the habit of posting things on here, rather than on facebook. The only nice thing about facebook, currently, is the potential for feedback that is quickly generated. I will have to connect with more people on blogger to correct that, as well.