Saturday, March 14, 2009

In cars

I only think of interesting things to talk about when I'm driving.

On the way home from work there is a McDonald's billboard. On it is a picture of some fancy coffee drink and the words: "The cure for the Pennsylvania cold."

Now, I've been driving past this sign for weeks, barely paying any attention to it until the other day when I finally realized I had misinterpreted the aforementioned "Pennsylvania cold". I had taken the 'Pennsylvania cold' to be some dumb phrase referencing a terrible cold that you get in Pennsylvania.....i.e. a sickness type of cold. I've finally realized that it is simply referring to the temperature. I had been wondering how coffee would make someone feel better when they were sick, but McDonald's advertising has always been so inane that the stupidity of what I thought it was saying seemed normal.

I don't understand how my brain does these things..... Its times like these when I realize how blonde I can actually be. :)

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